How to stay fit and active as a busy mom. Workout with your kids.

As a busy mom, our to-do lists can seem to be never ending. Often leaving us with little time for ourselves. This is one of the biggest reasons moms say they don’t workout, because there’s no time. It may seem impossible to fit even one more thing into your day, but it is possible with some planning and determination. Creating and implementing a workout routine doesn’t have to be a big task or just another item on your to-do list. Let me share some simple ideas with you to help you stay active and fit as a busy mom. 

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Workout at home before your kids wake up

I’ll be honest, this is the hardest thing for me to do! And it may not be for you. However, if you already have a full schedule from wake to sleep, this may be the best and only way for you to get some workout time in by yourself. There are a few things you can do to help make waking early to workout easier. Plan your outfit and your workout the night before. If these details are decided ahead of time, there’s less to figure out in the morning when you’re tired. Additionally, start your morning with electrolytes to hydrate and energize your body. If you’re like me and waking up early is excruciatingly difficult, start small. Wake 20 minutes earlier than normal and get a short workout in. Every morning, wake five minutes earlier than the day before and slowly increase your workout time. Over time, this should get easier.

Workout at home while your kids are at school

If you have school aged kids and you are a stay-at-home parent or even work from home, this may be a good option for you. However, you must be intentional about implementing time to work out into your daily schedule. I recommend creating a written schedule for your day. This will help you to be intentional about fitting time to exercise into your day. If you don’t do this, it’s easy to get busy with other things and forget or not leave enough time. One of the best tips for working out from home is to follow a pre-built workout program. Or spend a small amount of time one day creating a weekly/monthly plan. This will save you from having to spend time each day researching and planning what to do.

If you don’t have an at-home gym, or much space for equipment, there are many at-home workouts that require only basic gym equipment. Typically, if you have a yoga mat and some dumbbells, you can get a well-rounded workout routine done at home. Resistance bands are also super beneficial for toning and strengthening your mom bod. I highly recommend adding them to your home gym equipment. 

Find a gym with childcare

This is an excellent option for all parents! Many gyms provide free childcare while you work out. This makes it much easier to fit working out into your schedule, as you can pretty much do it any time of the day. And if you are a stay-at-home parent, it can be a nice way to get out of the house, get some exercise, and allow your child to have some fun socialization with other children. 

Incorporate your kids into your workout

This option also allows for some flexibility in schedules, as you don’t have to plan your workout around your children’s sleep/school schedules. Working out with your children can be such a fun bonding time. To make it extra fun for them, buy them their own yoga mat or kids weight set. Young children learn from watching and mimicking what we do. So, this is not only an opportunity for you to get exercise, but also to teach your children the value and joy of a healthy, active lifestyle. Just keep an open mindset that being slightly distracted from your workout will be natural. It’s okay if you have to pause your workout or end it early to help your child with something.

Go for a family walk, bike ride, hike

When the weather is nice, this is my favorite way to exercise. Not much beats enjoying some sunshine and fresh air and with your family, while exploring a new place or your family’s favorite spot. If you are short on time, simply go around your neighborhood. Bike rides are a great option for evenings or weekends when your kids need to get some energy out. If you have a toddler who is not quite ready for a bike, I highly recommend getting a balance bike. Both of our boys started out riding one and they loved it! They were able to quickly get the hang of it and keep up with the bigger kids on their bikes. Our 4-year-old still uses it all the time. 

Join your kids while they are playing

What do your kids enjoy? Whether it’s jumping on the trampoline, playing baseball in the yard, or playing tag, chances are they are doing it often and you’re keeping an eye on them while they do. Why not join them? This gives you an opportunity to not only get some exercise and likely some fresh air, but also some quality bonding time with your kids. And honestly, there isn’t much that keeps you active more than trying to keep up with your kids who seem to have endless energy.  

Staying active and exercising as a busy mom can look many different ways. Not everyone has the same mindset or time schedule, and exercising looks different for everyone. I hope this list has given you some ideas to simplify your workout routine and easily implement it into your busy day. And I hope you have found some motivation to be an active, healthy, parent.

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